Upscale Poetry
"Doe, a deer, a female deer"
There you hold in your head the image of a deer
A female deer
Hold it there for a moment
Look how beautiful she is
"Ray, a drop of golden sun"
Now we have added the sun to the picture
The deer is there in the sun
You can Feel the sun
(Note the adjective "golden")
"Me, a name I call myself"
Now, by juxtaposition, you have yourself
You have the thing that you call yourself
This "me" escalates from the "doe" in the "ray"
You are a female deer outside in the sun
"Fa, a long long way to run"
You are a deer running in the sun!
And you have a long, long way to go
"Sew, a needle pulling thread"
Now the metaphor scales up another level
Imagine the needle is the deer (you) leaping as it sews
Can you see the needle leaping there in the sun, sewing a crazy quilt?
The images, too, are a thread being sewn into a poem
The trope takes another leap:
"La, a note to follow So"
The very notes of the song are pulled into the thread
The notes are the leaps of the deer, you, the needle,
leaping up the mountain, up the cloth, up the scale
The deer slows, near the top of the mountain now, tired,
her voice straining to reach the next note
"Tea, a drink with jam and bread"
Then you, she, deer, calls for a rest,
to stop for a refreshing picnic
"Which brings us back to do do do do"
The food brings us back to our self,
nourishes us, literally becomes us
Once we return to self
we are ready to start again
Escalating up the endless scale
draft 6
"Doe, a deer, a female deer"
You hold in your mind the image of a deer.
A female deer.
Hold it there for a moment.
Look how beautiful she is.
"Ray, a drop of golden sun"
We have added the sun to the picture.
The deer is now there in the sun.
You can
feel the sun.
(And note the adjective "golden".)
"Me, a name I call myself"
Now, by juxtaposition, you have yourself.
You have the thing that you call yourself.
This "me" escalates out of the "doe" in the "ray".
You are a female deer outside in the sun.
"Fa, a long long way to run"
You are a deer
running in the sun!
And you have a long, long way to go.
"Sew, a needle pulling thread"
Now the metaphor scales up another level.
The needle is the deer (you)
Running and leaping as it sews,
Leaping there in the sun, sewing a crazy quilt.
The trope takes another leap...
"La, a note to follow sew"
The notes are now the leaps of the deer, you, the needle,
leaping up the mountain, up the cloth, up the scale.
The deer slows, near the top of the mountain now, tired,
her voice straining to reach the next note...
"Tea, a drink with jam and bread"
You, she, deer, calls for a rest,
to stop for a little picnic.
"Which brings us back to doe doe doe doe"
The bread and tea brings you back to yourself,
nourishes you, literally becomes you
and you're ready to start again
escalating up the endless scale.